4月18日, 2023佛山湛江设计力量开业盛典暨设计之夜活动在佛山居然之家隆重举行。此次活动以“500公里来爱你”为主题,来自全国各地的湛江设计师汇共同出席。现场进行了“因爱而生 薪火相承--佛山湛江设计力量会长传承仪式”,佛山湛江设计力量副会长,佛山日饰空间装饰设计有限公司创始人陈日志出席了该次活动。并接受了副会长授牌仪式。湛江设计力量协会总会对佛山分部的发展寄予厚望,并作"2023战略发布”。陈日志表示平台发展定位清晰,希望其发展成中国湛江设计力量链接产业的窗口。会上,佛山湛江设计力量还进行了多项签约授牌仪式,例如与佛山科学技术学院工业设计与陶瓷艺术学院、顺德职业技术学院艺术设计学院等院校成为友好合作伙伴。
Japan decoration space decoration design Co., Ltd. (DDS for short) is an overall design expert focusing on advanced space design, enterprise headquarters exhibition hall, villa, hotel club, catering, soft decoration, product design and other fields, and provides customers with high-end design consulting services integrating interior design, soft decoration and product design.
Since the establishment of Mr. Chen loglog, DDS has created many excellent works with an open and innovative attitude, and continuously improved and improved its own vision to broaden a new height for the diversification of design.
Adhering to the design philosophy of "inheritance, integration, symbiosis, fashion and innovation", we feel the essence of design with our heart, and use a unique commercial perspective to integrate art aesthetics to create and improve the value of customers.